Wish Sicily in LoveExploring
LoveExploring, the inspirational guide to independent travellers, has included a Sicily villa stay with WishSicily in their recent round-up of best places to visit in October.
October is a delightful time to visit Sicily. Days are still filled with sunshine, the most popular tourist sites are now crowd-free, and the sea still retains some of the summer heat. In the southeast of the island, the Vendicari Nature Reserve welcomes the arrival of thousands of flamingos and other aquatic birds en route for warmer climes in Africa.
October is also the time when many of the smaller towns host festivals celebrating the wonderful autumn produce, and nowhere more so than on the slopes of Mount Etna. In the small town of Zafferano in the east of Sicily, the festival of Ottobrata Zafferanese is one of the most important gastronomic events in southern Italy. Taking place every Sunday in October, the festival’s food area is the perfect place to pick up locally grown mushrooms, chestnuts and apples and to sample honey and other local produce. Plus there are cooking demonstrations, family areas and live music. See the full list of our villas in the east of Sicily.