Create a video

Create a video and add it to your advert

In addition to the service of optimization of descriptive texts and the opportunity to enclose a large number of photos, Wish Sicily offers you the chance to add a video of your holiday villa in Sicily to your classified.

Surveys and field studies have shown that an increasing number of customers who look for holiday homes online, entrust operators who manage their own ads with high quality photo shoots as well as "homemade" videos. The same surveys have also shown that, statistically, upon equivalent product conditions, a video correlated classified, produces far more bookings than one without.

Therefore, we suggest you to take advantage of the opportunity to create and to add a video to your Wish Sicily ad. This will significantly increase your chances of creating a greater tourist flow towards your holiday home in Sicily!

Here are some basic tips on how to create a homemade video of your holiday home: 

  • The  production of a great video shall appeal to the viewer’s emotions, therefore, besides a tour of the building, focus the attention on the strengths and the emotions that such video could elicit. If you have a swimming pool, take a shoot of a possible refreshing drink taken by the pool or on the terrace, facing a marvellous sunset. Better yet, a rich breakfast in the morning while enjoying the wonderful landscape your property offers. Additionally, create a short sequence of what the town centre and the closest beach provide.
  • When creating a video is always recommended to use background music, which definitely increases the emotional perceptions of the user. Nevertheless, remember that using a non-original music requires copyright purchase. We therefore suggest to replace the music with the environment authentic sounds: the backwash of the waves, the chirping of birds, the rustle of the trees, the silence!
  • Create a video full of emotions yet keep it short. Field studies mentioned above have shown that the user attention drops after the third minute of view. Hence, your video should last no longer than 3-4 minutes, showing spotless and stable images.
  • Last but not least, the editing step is crucial for the production of a fine video. You can try to download some free software on the internet, such as "Windows Movie Maker": So as to add a professional touch to the creation of your video using the different features these programmes offer.
  • If the only thing you want is to make a professional video without worrying about the details listed above, you can always rely on our staff, which upon request, will visit your property to create a video using all the necessary devices to create a high quality product.

For any technical concern, please feel free to contact our staff who will be completely available and able to give you suggestions about the creation and management of your video on Wish Sicily.


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