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Choose one of our stylish & contemporary villas, a testament to the changing face of Sicily.
Our Stylish and Contemporary villas are a testament to the changing face of Sicily. We think they offer guests the opportunity to experience the best of the island – a modern experience against a traditional backdrop of rural countryside, Sicilian beach life and historic towns and cities.
Interiors are sleek, modern and, in some cases, fairly minimalist. Gleaming chrome surfaces take the place of traditional majolica tiles and white-washed walls, and double-height ceilings shape large open spaces. Many have large floor to ceiling windows and sliding doors that allow indoor rooms to blend seamlessly with outdoor spaces and in the more luxurious villas, highlights include super-accessorised kitchens and exclusive spas. Others are included here thanks to brilliant design features, cutting edge technology or simply impeccable taste.
36 of 36 Stylish and contemporary villas in Sicily