Reservation request response sample

How to show organization and preparation right from the beginning

When tourists seek information about a property in order to find the holiday villa in Sicily which responds to their needs and expectations, they are at the same time evaluating the owner’s approach to the availability request in order to assess his/her competences and professionalism.

Therefore, if you show organization and preparation right from the beginning, you will have more chances to finalize the booking.

It is always a good idea to have a response plan ready to use when a request for availability is received. Not only does this give a professional impression to tourists, but it will also save time to you and to your potential customer who undoubtedly will appreciate it, by making you earn significant points.

The suggestions listed below are designed to help you give the client a good first impression, at the time of responding to the first contact via email.

Automatic reply to availability request

You can set an automatic reply for most of e-mail providers so as to inform the client about the his/her request reception, informing him/her that a detailed response to his/her inquiry will soon be received:


Thank you for contacting (NAME OF PROPERTY).

You will shortly receive a reply to your request with all the requested details.

In the meantime, if you need to speak to a member of our staff by phone, please call our offices from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., from Monday to Saturday:

- Sicily: +39 091 786 0606 
- UK: +44 (0) 207 193 7302
- Mobile: +39 393 852 3299

(Link to your property webpage e.g.:


Reply to the first email contact

See topic: Sample response to enquiries


Your Sicily holiday villa has already been booked

If the requested period has already been booked, reply to the customer in any case. The customer wants to know if his request has been received and whether it should carry on searching for a holiday villa in Sicily.

Do not just say “already booked”. Offer the first available date or, in case you manage more than a holiday home or villa for rent within the portfolio of Wish Sicily, offer your customer a valid alternative.


Thank you for contacting (NAME OF PROPERTY).

I am afraid the dates you have requested have already been booked: (DATE REQUESTED).

However, I’d like to suggest the first available period from (OPTIONAL DATE) as an alternative.

The amount for the alternative period is EUR ...

Moreover, in case your arrival time is not flexible, I might suggest another property I manage, as a viable alternative for the requested period (LINK TO OPTIONAL PROPERTY).

(Include a brief description of the main strengths of the property you offered as an alternative).

Waiting for your kind response, I’ll be available to offer assistance and/or any kind of clarification you would like to ask for.


Receive a discount request

You might have already received discount requests, and given the current economic uncertainty, these requests occur with an increasing frequency.

Obviously, whether to accept or not a request for a discount only depends on you. The following response sample can help you manage such request.


Thank you for contacting (NAME OF PROPERTY).

I am pleased to inform you that your dates are still available.


We believe that our holiday home offers an excellent quality/price ratio when you consider the high season period requested, the privileged position of the property, the extensive outdoor space, the interior well taken care of and the exclusive use of the pool. Therefore, I am sorry not to be able to accept your discount request.

The total amount for the requested period is EUR ...

Willing to welcome you at our holiday villa in Sicily, I’ll be available to offer assistance and/or any kind of clarification you would like to ask for.



The cost for the requested period is normally equal to EUR ....

As a very exceptional case, I am pleased to welcome and accept your request for a discount bringing the total amount to EUR ....

Willing to welcome you at our holiday villa in Sicily, I’ll be available to offer assistance and/or any kind of clarification you would like to ask for.


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